Sunday, June 7, 2009

A little girl in trouble

My little dog Scully has had some very worrying health problems just recently. She has suffered several convulsive attacks, which although fortunately short lived are alarming and distressing, both to her and to me. She has been thoroughly examined by the vet and had a full set of blood tests done. There don't at this stage appear to be any specific causes for the seizures and she doesn't have any other symptoms. One possibility is a brain tumour or similar neurological problem, but until further investigations are done, if they prove necessary, we won't know. In between these episodes she has been perfectly well, and as far as can be seen, her normal self. Her normal self is a sweet, quiet and serene natured little dog, so the thought of anything serious being wrong with her fills me with dread. At the moment we just have to wait and see if further problems occur, and take whatever action is recommended then.
Scully is 12 years old, so not in the first flush of youth and health problems therefore don't come as a surprise. But whenever they come with a loved pet, they are never welcome. One desperately wants to spare them pain and suffering of any kind, and to protect them at whatever cost, but it's such a difficult experience. Although inevitable, it's virtually impossible to prepare oneself to deal philosophically with the concept of their illness, incapacity and eventual death.
Fergus is worried about her too and senses something is wrong I think. He's giving her a comforting kiss in the above picture.
I am hoping this doesn't mean I'm going to lose her just yet, but if I do I must just hope to deal with it in the best way possible, for her sake and for mine. In the meantime she is getting lots of hugs and love to make sure she knows she is a special girl.


MmeBenaut said...

Poor little Scully. How sweet Fergus is to give her a kiss too.
I'm sorry Annie that you're having pet problems too. It is heartbreaking, I know.
Hugs to you dear.

Graham said...

I truly know how you feel as it is such a strong family trait of our love for our animals. Hope all goes as well as it can with Scully.
Also caught up with your other thoughts on the trip and plastic bags and your well articulated description of your thoughts provide me the reader with a clear apparition of that bent old crone staggering to the car with endless green bags. Well said

Annabelle said...

Thanks so much for your kind thoughts Mme B and Graham. Scully's much better now. Is on medication to control the fits and so far hasn't had any more since starting it, thank goodness. Not the end of the road of course, but a thankful rest by the wayside for both of us.