Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome to a Tiger of a Year

Well here we are, having survived the noughties and moving inexorably into the .... what ... teenies? Teenie naughties of course brings other thoughts to mind, but my philosophy has always been, if you're going to be naughty, make it a biggie!

The old year was certainly a biggie for many people, in good as well as bad ways, although sadly we always hear more about, or rather get beaten about the head with, the bad. The world moving into 2010 is still the incorrigible messy disaster it's always been as we steer our course towards environmental annihilation, according to some, while having had a miraculous escape, at least this time, from economic annihilation. In terms of the environment, hopefully the old globe will be able to stagger on for a while yet, although if the abject failure of the world's leaders to reach consensus at the recent Circus of Copenhagen is any example, perhaps we shouldn't hold our collective breaths.

On a personal level, I feel a sense of achievement in that I have spent the year consolidating my aspirations for the foreseeable future. As I've written about before, my latent passion for writing has become a much more fully fledged reality and I have been steadily working away trying to learn the craft, through voluminous reading and many attempts at writing, some of which have been satisfying, others of which have been clumsy and frustrating. Having laboured in solitude mostly, I have reached the conclusion that as writing is largely a craft, certainly a skill and arguably a God-given gift, like all other such ambitions, it should be possible to learn from the experts. As a result I applied late last year to undertake a Master of Arts in Creative Writing at Macquarie University, and to my delight was accepted. This begins in late February and is a two year part-time degree. To qualify, I will have to produce a significant creative work, suitable for publication, so there can be no more excuses for putting off that challenge. It is an exciting prospect and I am looking forward to it, albeit with some trepidation as it will demand all those skills of self-discipline and time management that I had to rely on so heavily when I did my under-graduate degree. For me though, this is simply a matter of following my dream and I will make it happen.

On an even more personal note, I have been enormously fortunate in meeting a wonderful man and we are in the process of developing what I hope might be the relationship I have been dreaming of all my life. As well as being a source of great joy, such relationships of course, especially in their early stages, demand sensitivity, openness, courage and willingness to move ahead in optimism and understanding, while being aware that both people come from long lives of other experiences and commitments. It is exhilirating and especially delightful for me, having reached a few bumpy patches in the road before now and sworn "never again". I'm not swearing anything now, just being grateful for every moment.

My friends and family have all experienced highs and lows over the year and some are struggling still with health problems, either of their own or affecting their loved ones, with bereavement, loneliness, loss of beloved pets, career crises and a multitude of life's challenges. We will never be without those, but let's hope that they are balanced out for all of us in this year ahead by joyful moments and times of love, peace and contentment.

Happy New Year in this, the Year of the Tiger!!!

1 comment:

MmeBenaut said...

Well, having been lucky enough to meet "said man" I'm absolutely delighted for both of you and particularly delighted for you as you begin your Masters degree. You sure make a friend proud, Annie and I can't wait to read the "suitable for publication" work when it IS published!!