I stumbled upon Levon Minassian, this sublime Armenian artist of the "doudouk" on a world music site called Calabash and fell instantly in love. The album I first heard was "Songs from a World Apart" - aptly titled, as his music literally does transport you to another world ... do have a listen.
When I figure out how to put music on here, I'll try to put it up, in the meantime clicking on his website link above, will play samples.
Briefly Noted Book Reviews
10 months ago
Annabelle - First of all thank you for visiting my blog so that I found your blog! I love the process of self-inquiry and self-discovery that you are on and I honor you for sharing it with us. A fellow blogger the other day wrote to me that she feels that by sharing ourselves via blogging, we also hold ourselves accountable to ourselves, our passions, our goals. I know what she means. Do you feel it too?
I love this musician you found. "Music to Quiet the Soul" is an appropriate name for his sound.
Oh, and Venice! We must be kindred spirits. It is my absolute favorite city on earth. I don't have any tours planned at the moment to go there. If I did, it would probably be a quick stop-over there, as usually my tours involve visiting wineries, which takes Venice off the itinerary. However, I know people that do personalized tours there, cooking schools, walking tours, etc. I also can help you plan your indepedent vacation there, should you want to go that route. I can be reached at passionatepalate AT gmail DOT com.
Hi PP, thanks for your comments. Yes I agree with you about the benefits of blogging, which I am still discovering as am very new to it and ascending a steep learning curve! Glad you like Levon also, he's rather unique I think. I have my heart set on visiting Venice although no date (or budget) set as yet. When my plans are more advanced, will seek more advice from you.
Your tours to Italy sound divine.
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